Final Preparation of the Aba Nigeria Temple

Aba Nigeria Temple
The almost completed Aba Nigeria Temple

The Area Office where we work is the headquarters of the Church for West Africa. The departments here are all involved in the final push to complete the Aba Nigeria Temple and the ancillary buildings. The open house for visitors starts on Saturday, June 18, and the dedication will be Sunday, August 7, 2005. Many of our associates are traveling to Nigeria to help complete the preparations. Our good friends Elder and Sister Whisenant are the Area Public Affairs Directors and are spending most of their time there now. They extended their mission for this effort. They provided us with some pictures of the progress in Nigeria.

In addition, several people have traveled to Accra for training. These include the new Aba Temple Presidency, temple engineer (a missionary), security guards, custodians, and employees for the Aba distribution center. Many of these new employees attended the temple for the first here in Accra. We enjoy the excitement and seeing the spirit prepare people for this great blessing in Nigeria.

Stake Center and Ancillary Building
Stake Center and Ancillary Building
down the hill from the temple

The Temple on the Hill
The Temple on the Hill

Here are some of the people who have visitied
the Accra Temple Complex for training.

Security Guards Distribution Center Employees
Security Guards
with Frank the Accra Security Manager
second from left
From left: Valentine, Martha, and Agnes
new distribution center employees
with Yvonne from Accra HR

Temple Custodians Temple Presidency
Iyke and Confidence from Aba
They will be custodians in the temple.
President and Sister Kirk (right)
Aba Temple President
and President and Sister Gallagher (left)
Counselor in Presidnecy

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